Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day

Akilah had to work on Mother's Day so Lyric and I hung out and relaxed all day long! Akilah got to come home and hang for a little bit on his lunch break and he got me a new "professional type" camera!

 Lyric loves to sleep on her belly and LOVES to be held while she is sleeping during the day! It has almost become a problem for Akilah while he is hanging with her and I'm at work. At night time she is sleeping so great in her crib, but during the day she is awake unless we are holding her while she sleeps. I feel there is going to be a power struggle between dad and Lyric pretty soon! Unfortunately I probably don't help the situation because I love to let her sleep on me during the weekend mornings! Such good snuggle time!

It is almost summer here in Idaho and it has been such a great and warm spring. It has been so warm and as you can see from a post below, my flowers are starting to come up and bloom! We have a lot of fun things planned for this summer too. This weekend my parents are going to help me start and plant a garden, this next weekend Lyric and I are traveling to CO for my aunt's wedding, and then Akilah's parents will be here to meet their new granddaughter during the first part of June! One of my best girlfriends will also be back in Idaho for her baby shower! We are also hoping to get lots of boating and camping in before August when we will be traveling to CA for our friend's wedding! I have two girlfriends having babies in July and one in August! Such an exciting summer!! As soon as it gets a little warmer and I loose a little more belly fat Lyric and I will also be frequenting the pool! She loves being outside and she loves being in the water so I hope she likes floating around the pool with me while I get my tan on (she will be shaded of course)!

Lyric is almost two months old... or maybe she is if you go off of 8 weeks was yesterday... or the last week in each month could be her month birthday too.. so that'd be next week :) anyways~ Lyric has her 2 month checkup next Tuesday and Akilah and I are super excited to see how much she has grown! She is kicking and rolling around a lot right now and it is so fun to get her to smile. She is pretty aware of what is going on around her and really loves to try and talk to Akilah and I when we are talking to her. She likes to stand and hates to take naps (as mentioned before). She's still loving bath time and I get sad when she has blowouts during the day and Akilah bathes her because that means no bath time for us at night! I love to sing silly, made up songs to her, and I love spying on Akilah when he puts her to bed because he is always serenading her with some song. I think she fights sleep when he puts her to bed at night just so she can listen to him sing to her :) 


  1. You look so good! I am jealous of your camera! Lyric will become quite the little model for you as you practice all the settings! Love the updates, and love that she likes to sleep on you! I always loved snuggling.

  2. I think that is so funny because all she wants to do at my house is nap! we must be boring!!!

  3. Love following your blog!! Looks like you had a wonderful mother's day!! You deserve it!! :)
