Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lyric LaShawn Lacey

Wow! the title of this post says it all.  

Lyric LaShawn Lacey

Our lives revolve around this precious, little girl! She rocks our world in so many different ways. She has brought joy, smiles, frustration, and tears! I am so happy to have her in my life and am learning so much through having her here. I am learning patience and how to live in the moment instead of already planning for 3 days in advance. I have found schedules go out the door when you are a milk cow on beck and call to a little one! That's right... I said it... a milk cow :) I don't know how anyone could possibly breastfeed and not feel like a milking cow.. my friends say it'll get better.. we shall see :)

Lyric's first two and a half weeks of life have been very eventful. Our little family traveled to Utah to support my sister as she got baptized and we had Lyric's 2 week check up. We also had 2 photo shoots for Lyric, have taken many trips to Shelley to see grandma and grandpa, skyped with California pappa and grandB, mom and dad met new friends, Lyric learned  how to burp, spit up and blow out, perfected bath time, and as a family we are working together to figure out feeding and sleeping routines. 

At Lyric's 2 week doctor appointment we found out she is in the 20th percentile for her height and weight. At 2 weeks she is 20'' and 7 pounds and 10 oz! This came as a shocker to Akilah and I because we both thought we would have a large baby since Akilah is so big and I'm on the taller side... nope we have a little to normal sized, happy baby!

Dad had to go back to work last night after taking 2 wonderful weeks off :( and Lyric moved to her crib! She sleeps VERY loud (lots of grunting and moving around), so it was time to move her out of her bassinet in our room and into her own room and crib. Hopefully I will start to sleep better since I will be the only one home at night. Up to this point Akilah has been so great about getting up with her to calm her if she didn't need to eat. The only times I was getting up with her was when she was hungry.. For the month of April, until Akilah is on his new shift, I will be the only one home at night (hopefully no crazies are reading this)! That's right.. just me, the dogs, Lyric, and all my recorded tv shows (Modern Family, Intervention, Desperate Housewives, Chloe and Lamar, House Hunters, House Hunters International, Law & Order SVU, Criminal Minds, Cougar Town, Lala's Full Court Life, and oh the list goes on and on). Lyric did wonderful sleeping last night and only woke up to eat  :)... we will see how tonight goes! She also loves to sleep on her side, is starting to do tummy time, and likes to go on jogs with mom, Danika, and the dogs!

Maela and Jordan are still being wonderful with her and really aren't too interested in the whole Lyric saga. I think it's helped that I have started to workout again, which means that the dogs get to run again. The dogs love to run and I love running with them... Danika pushes the stroller and I run the dogs :) we are such a good team haha!

In other news, I only have 3 weeks left until I have to go back to work and this is so sad for me! I wish I had more time to be home with Lyric. Today we went to the park with some of our friends and saw other friends there too. It was so nice to be out in the sun enjoying a slow-paced life! It will be so hard to go back to work  :(  Fortunately, Akilah will get to be home with her during the week so I know she will be in great hands! Akilah is champ at staying calm and getting Lyric to calm down when she is all worked up! Akilah only has a couple weeks left of school (he's taking 8 credits this semester) and is preparing to take the LSAT this summer! Today he found out that he got a 89% on his last Calculus test and I am so proud of him because he missed a whole week of school for training and then a couple days when Lyric was born during this section of his class! This dang Calculus class is 5 days a week at 8 am (right after he gets off a 10 hour night shift). I think Akilah is so smart and I am so lucky he is pretty much good at whatever he does; being a dad, husband, student, athlete, police officer, family member, and friend!

And now for the fun part! the pictures...

daddy with the steady hands!
loves being in her baby carrier!
That's right.. she reps for the LBC, USC, and ISU :)

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